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State Universities Civil Service System

Procedure Manuals

Title 3.4 Other Implications of Change-In-Title Procedures
Manual A. Classification Plan Management
Subsection 3. Change-In-Title
Status Revised 11/14/2007


Because of the wide variety of allocations that can occur when applying CIT Policy #1, it is expected that, in most cases, all positions involved in movement under CIT Policy #1 will undergo a position description update and review, or desk audit, for proper classification identification prior to movement. Employers will be notified as to comparability between “old” and “new” classes by Classification Plan Memoranda/Status Notice.

Upon utilization of CIT Policy #1, individuals on the Reemployment Register are entitled to remain on the Reemployment Register for the classification designated to replace the previous classification or for a classification that is reasonably equivalent to the previous classification, with specific indications provided by the University System office through the formal Classification Plan Memoranda/Status Notice.

Upon utilization of CIT Policy #1, individuals who have been restored to an Original Entry or Promotional Register shall retain their position on the appropriate register in instances where a new examination instrument has not been introduced. In instances where a new examination instrument has been introduced, individuals who have been restored to an Original Entry or Promotional Register shall be removed upon the effective date of the new classification plan revision. Specific indications of any register voiding will typically be provided by the University System Office through the formal Classification Plan Memoranda/Status Notice.

In instances where incumbents may not meet the minimum qualifications for the new or revised classification, the employer must submit a request for compensatory qualification or request a waiver of qualifications to the University System Executive Director for approval.

In accordance with section 250.110(b)(2) of the Illinois Administrative Code (Code) (80 Ill. Adm. Code §250.110(b)(2)), an employee who, within one year following the expiration of disability benefits, requests reinstatement to a classification that was subsequently revised may, upon approval of the Executive Director, be returned to a Reemployment Register for the classification designated to replace the employee’s previous classification or for a classification that is reasonably equivalent to the previous classification.


Upon utilization of CIT Policy #2, all incumbents of designated positions at a specific place of employment will be reallocated to another existing class in the Classification Plan. Upon prior approval of the Executive Director, CIT Policy #2, may be utilized when all incumbents are reallocated to another existing classification, which has been determined to be a bona fide substitute or replacement for the former class. The former class must also be canceled for use at the designated employment location.

Upon utilization of CIT Policy #2, individuals on the Reemployment Register are entitled to remain on the Reemployment Register for the classification designated to replace the previous classification.

In instances where incumbents may not meet the minimum qualifications for the new or revised classification, the employer must submit a request for compensatory qualification or request a waiver of qualifications to the University System Executive Director for approval.

In accordance with section 250.110(b)(2) of the Code, an employee who, within one year following the expiration of disability benefits, request reinstatement to a classification that was subsequently revised may, upon approval of the Executive Director, be returned to a Reemployment Register for the classification designated to replace the employee’s previous classification or for a classification that is reasonably equivalent to the previous classification.


CIT Policy #3 applies when a Designated Employer Representative (DER) determines that a position or a group of positions has been incorrectly classified and has substantiation (job audit) for correcting the classification of the position(s). Upon prior approval of the Executive Director, the classification may be corrected, providing such correction is made retroactive to the approximate date of misclassification in the “incorrect” class or classes. Such change must represent a bona fide correction of classification.

Upon utilization of CIT Policy #3, individuals on the Reemployment Register are entitled to remain on the Reemployment Register for the classification designated to replace the previous classification.

In instances where incumbents may not meet the minimum qualifications for the new or revised classification, the employer must submit a request for compensatory qualification or request a waiver of qualifications to the University System Executive Director for approval.

In accordance with Section 250.110(b)(2) of the Code, an employee who, within one year following the expiration of disability benefits, requests reinstatement to a classification that was subsequently revised may, upon approval of the Executive Director, be returned to a Reemployment Register for the classification designated to replace the employee’s previous classification or for a classification that is reasonably equivalent to the previous classification.

Reference 110 ILCS 70/36d & 80 Ill. Adm. Code §250.30